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Started by EOJ, December 10, 2007, 09:26:51 PM

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CAVE 10/2007 (PCB)

This is the Deathsmiles high score thread. You can submit scores from the PCB or the Xbox 360 port's ARCADE MODE. You can also submit XBOX 360 MODE and Ver 1.1 scores here (they have their own charts).

Rules: no continues, and default live stock, difficulty, and extends. Submit in the order shown in the table. The PCB has separate rankings for each character, so I've set up similar rankings here along with separate rankings for scores done with the extra Canyon stage, as Arcadia magazine records such scores separately.

Key for all tables:
SCORE - NAME - STAGE (L=X/5, BxX for ALL scores) - Character- Version (PCB/Arcade Mode/X360 Mode/Ver 1.1)

L=X/5 for ALL scores indicates how many life containers you finished the game with (for example, if you finish the game with 2 full life containers, list it as L=2/5, if you finish with 3.5 life containers, list it as L=3.5/5)
OVERALL TOP 5  (PCB/Arcade mode):
Quote1.   346,380,927 - EOJ - ALL [L=3/5, Bx0] - Follett - X360 (Arcade Mode)
2.   306,979,508 - BLU - ALL (L=4.5/5, Bx2) - Rosa - PCB
3.   209,334,520 - HVL - ALL [L=2/5, Bx0] - Follett - X360 (Arcade Mode)
4.   202,753,729 - AST-KOT - 4-2 (Boss) - Follett - X360 (Arcade Mode)
5.   173,446,676 - TUG - ALL - Rosa - PCB

OVERALL TOP 5 - EX (PCB/Arcade Mode):
Quote1.   362,388,075 - HUU - ALL - Rosa - PCB
2.   311,685,189 - EOJ - Stage 4-2 - Follett - X360 (Arcade Mode)
3.   263,961,842 - GaijinPunch - ALL [L=3/5, Bx0] - Follett - PCB
4.   219,354,136 - DKU-KAB - 4-2 Boss - Follett - PCB
5.   150,588,686 - TUG - 4-1 - Rosa - PCB

---------CHARACTER RANKINGS-----------------
Quote1.   208,889,281 - EOJ - ALL [L=2/5, Bx0] - X360 (Arcade Mode)
2.     86,283,648 - GaijinPunch - ALL - PCB
Quote1.   213,581,503 - EOJ - ALL [L=4/5, Bx2] - X360 (Arcade Mode)
2.   190,836,394 - HVL - ALL [L=2.5/5, Bx0] - Casper - X360 (Arcade Mode)
Quote1.   346,380,927 - EOJ - ALL [L=3/5, Bx0] - X360 (Arcade Mode)
2.   209,334,520 - HVL - ALL [L=2/5, Bx0] - X360 (Arcade Mode)
3.   202,753,729 - AST-KOT - 4-2 (Boss) - X360 (Arcade Mode)
4.   105,491,941 - jpj - ALL (Lx1, Bx?) - PCB  
Quote1.   306,979,508 - BLU - ALL (L=4.5/5, Bx2) - PCB
2.   206,408,790 - EOJ - ALL [L=3/5, Bx1] - X360 (Arcade Mode)
3.   173,446,676 - TUG - ALL - PCB
4.   126,949,501 - GaijinPunch - ALL - PCB
5.   121,555,840 - BUDDY - ALL (L=2/5, Bx0) - PCB
6.   112,547,810 - Markedkiller78 - ALL (L=1.5/5, Bx 0) - PCB
7.   104,478,600 - gsl - ALL - PCB
8.     96,772,085 - DKU-NEO - 4-2 - PCB
9.     92,496,508 - Cannonball - 4-1 - PCB
10.   68,101,515 - AWE - ALL - PCB
11.   62,268,944 - zlk - ALL (L=2/5, Bx0) - PCB
Quote1.   311,685,189 - EOJ - Stage 4-2 - X360 (Arcade Mode)
2.   263,961,842 - GaijinPunch - ALL [L=3/5, Bx0] - PCB
3.   219,354,136 - DKU-KAB - 4-2 Boss - PCB
4.     98,255,861 - TUG - EX - PCB
Quote1.   362,388,075 - HUU - ALL - PCB
2.   150,588,686 - TUG - 4-1 - PCB
3.     56,101,553 - gsl - EX Boss - PCB

---------------XBOX 360 MODES--------------------

Xbox 360 Mode:
Quote1.   298,310,926 - EOJ - ALL - Follett
2.   236,910,326 - antares - ALL - Follett
3.     97,204,865 - FEB - ALL - Rosa

Xbox 360 Mode - EX:

Ver 1.1
Quote1.   6,100,125,567 - GaijinPunch - ALL - Follett
2.   5,579,824,130 - EOJ - ALL [L=0.5/5, Bx0] - Windia
3.   4,951,842,273 - CRI - ALL [L=1/5, Bx1] - Windia
4.   3,873,101,485 - antares - ALL [L=2/5, Bx0] - Follett
5.   3,782,614,816 - LIX - Stage 4-2 (Boss) - Windia
6.   3,424,527,188 - HVL - 4-2 (Boss) - Windia
7.   3,110,024,359 - TUG - ALL [L=0.5/5, Bx0] - Windia

Ver 1.1 - EX
Quote1.   8,139,192,187 - GaijinPunch - Stage 4-2 (Boss) - Follett
2.   5,719,487,652 - EOJ - ALL [L=3/5, Bx0] - Windia
3.   5,042,725,688 - antares - ALL [L=0.5/5, Bx0] - Follett
4.   4,780,723,204 - LIX - ALL - Windia
5.   4,392,295,626 - CRI - ALL [L=2.5/5, Bx0] - Windia

My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


92,471,955 TUG 4-2 ROSA

98,255,861 TUG Folett Canyon


Nice scores. The only bad thing about Rosa being unlocked is that it makes the charts ridiculously complicated now.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


I finally crossed the  100M  :D
104,651,962 TUG 4-2 ROSA


And ALL :D
122,085,786 TUG ALL Rosa


133,842,038 TUG ALL Rosa

104,162,122 TUG Rosa Canyon


Wow, Rosa is freakin' strong.

126,949,501 - GaijinPunch - ALL - Rosa

It didn't give me the option to go to the Canyon though.  I played all stages Rank 3.  

I should go break the tables up at shmups... this is getting ridiculous.


Nice shot GP! :D
And yes Rosa is very strong,It makes the game easier but more fun imo.


AFAIK, she's as strong as Kasper is (theoretically) but shot & laser both result in the exact same thing, so you only piss about w/ the buttons for easier dodging or to position the option.  I like her.


89,064,377 - gsl - Final - Rosa

And I'm not sure how she compares to Casper or Windia as I've only played them a little bit, but I noticed that Rosa's familiar moves when you hold the shot button down, as opposed to Follette's, which locks into place.


Ok i have put today couples of credits and get 1CC three times with a new highest board score.
160,242,068 - TUG - ALL - Rosa


Pretty crappy showing today, but then I haven't had a chance to practice much in the past two weeks or so.  Played pretty shitty to start out on my first run--got hit in the middle of an especially lucrative fever scoring spree which fucked my score for the first half of the game, but managed to find a few new scoring opportunities that brought me surprisingly above my previous best.  I'm sure I could have gotten close to 95 million had I not played so crappily.  Still bite it at Tyrannosatan.

Also, my first serious attempt at the Canyon stage following an especially shitty run, but I figured I'd at least throw my score up there.  That boss(es) is a bitch.

89,508,233 - gsl - 4-2 Boss - Rosa

56,101,553 - gsl - Canyon Boss - Rosa


Tables updated with a brand new format. Get some more scores in with the other characters! :righton:
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


YES! Finally got the clear!  Played like crap in the first few stages, gumped up some scoring opportunities that would have had me much closer to 100 mil, and spammed the hell out of the processor for slowdown on some of Tyrannosatan's patterns, but I made it.  I didn't realize not only could you choose the canyon stage before the final stage but after beating Tyrannosatan as well.  Still, I whimped out and went for the endgame.

93,352,892 – gsl – ALL (Lx2) - Rosa


My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


is the 4-2 Boss already the last one?! :D

40,227,286 - AWE - 4-2 Boss - Rosa



68,101,515 - AWE - ALL - Rosa


Managed to pull off a slightly better scoring run in Halloweentown, and it kicked up my overall score quite a bit, I'm pleased to announce:

104,478,600 - gsl - ALL - Rosa

I know I could get kick that score up by a bit more if I would kick off fever mode a time or two in the forest stage, but as that's the stage I always play right before the volcano, I don't want to risk entering the volcano with anything less than 1000 on the item counter and miss out on the crazy scoring opportunity there.  Not playing two stages on level two would help a bit more as well.


Scores finally updated, sorry for the wait guys. Updates will proceed much faster from now on, thanks to the new, easy to update charts.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


としまと-HUU / 248 388 525 / Rosa / Stage 4-2 Boss + EX(canyon)


My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


dku-neo/96.772.085/4.2/no canyon


which character did you use, dku-neo?
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999



Small improvement...better than nothing :)

173,446,676 - TUG - ALL - Rosa - No Ex


me too, small improvement...I missed my last stage, can't stop dying in hyper :(
としまと-HUU / 254 041 941 / Rosa / Stage 4-2 Boss + EX (full rank 3)


Nice improvements guys.

BTW, do you really live in New Caledonia, HUU? I would assume in or around Noum?a? That's a pretty unusual place to be playing CAVE PCBs. A fellow linguist in my department spent some time there documenting one of the indigenous languages, so I know a bit about the country from her.
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


:D Yeah !! Noum?a that's it !
I live there althought I'm currently in france for some months studying...Well I'm pretty much the only arcade player overthere...and Cave games are not known; so yeah this is a pretty unsual place !!:lol:
I hope your friend enjoyed her stay in NC...I guess your friend must have documenting the "w?" or the "drehu" languages ? These are the most common speaked by the kanak...


I don't remember the specific language, though it may have been Drehu.

Anyway, New Caledonia looks similar to Hawaii, so I'd probably enjoy living there.:D
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999