1st Annual Official CAVE-STG.COM top 10 CAVE games of all-time - voting thread

Started by EOJ, June 02, 2009, 10:25:29 PM

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This is the official "CAVE-STG.COM top 10 CAVE games of all-time" voting thread. Voting will run from today until June 30th, 2009, 11:59am Hawaiian Standard Time. It is only open to members who joined before the time of this post.

-You must post your list in this thread.
-Vote for your top 10 Cave games of all-time. There is an inverse relationship between each place on a voting list and the points allotted. See the following:
1st =10pts
2nd = 9pts
3rd = 8pts
4th = 7pts
5th = 6pts
6th = 5pts
7th = 4pts
8th = 3pts
9th = 2pts
10th = 1pt

-Each version (Black Label, ver 1.0, ver 1.5, Arrange mode) made by CAVE is counted as a SEPARATE RELEASE. Boss rush games/modes are not permitted. Vote accordingly. The full list of allowable games is:

Dangun Feveron
Uo Poko
Dodonpachi Daioujou
Espgaluda : Arrange mode
Dodonpachi Daioujou Black Label
Mushihimesama : Arrange mode
Ibara : Arrange mode
Espgaluda II
Ibara Kuro : Black Label
Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara
Mushihimesama Futari ver 1.0
Mushihimesama Futari ver 1.5
Muchi Muchi Pork!
Deathsmiles ver 1.1
Mushihimesama Futari Black Label
Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu ver 1.0
Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu ver 1.5
Deathsmiles Mega Black Label
Deathsmiles II

-You can only vote for games you have played
-You must vote for at least 5 games.
-You do not need to fill all 10 slots, and you can fill them however you like. For example, if you've only play 5 CAVE games you could make list like:

1. Donpachi
3. Deathsmiles
5. Mushihimesama
6. Espgaluda
9. Dodonpachi

So, you can allot the points the best way you see fit.

-Have at it! Results will be published early July 2009. You can edit your voting post as many times as you like before the deadline.

My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


My all-time top 10:

1)Mushihimesama Futari ver 1.5
3)Muchi Muchi Pork!
4)Mushihimesama Futari Black Label
5)Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara
7)Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu ver 1.5
8)Ibara Kuro: Black Label
9)Deathsmiles Mega Black Label
10)Espgaluda II
My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


1. Mushihimesama Futari 1.5
2. Ketsui
3. Death Smiles Ver 1.1
4. Daioujou Black Label
5. Mushihimesama
6. Muchi Muchi Pork
7. Death Smiles MBL
8. Dodonpachi

I've played others (like Ibara) but I wouldn't vote for them. I'd really like to try Daifukkatsu sometime.


1) Mushihimesama Futari Black Label
2) Dodonpachi Daioujou Black Label
3) Deathsmiles ver. 1.1
4) Muchi Muchi Pork!
5) Dodonpachi
6) Ibara Black Label
7) Espgaluda
8 ) Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu ver 1.5
9) Ketsui
10) Mushihimesama: Arrange Mode

It might not make much sense that Futari 1.5 and Daioujou White aren't
on this list, but it's just that I haven't played them enough to say I
really like them.  Also am not really experienced in MMP or IBL but I
know that every time I play them I find them really fun.  Honestly I
would put Ketsui: DL on this list too, but I guess dev was Arika so..


2)Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara
3)Dodonpachi Daioujou
4)Muchi Much Pork
6)Mushihimesama Futari ver 1.5
9)Dangun Feveron
10)Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu ver 1.5


Quote from: Plasmo on June 03, 2009, 04:42:50 AM
2)Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara
3)Dodonpachi Daioujou
4)Muchi Much Pork
6)Mushihimesama Futari ver 1.5
9)Dangun Feveron
10)Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu ver 1.5

Damn, did you miss a Do at #5?  Or was Donpachi that nice?


1. Ketsui
2. Ibara
3. Espgaluda II
4. Espgaluda
5. Mushihimesama
6. Mushihimesama Futari 1.5
7. DoDonPachi
8. Muchi Muchi Pork
9. ESP.Ra.De
10. Uo Poko


1. Death Smiles
2. Esgaluda
3. Guwange
4. Muchi Muchi Pork
5. Mushihime-sama Futari Ver. 1.5
6. Ketsui
7. Dodonpachi
8. Esprade
9. Progear
10. Pink Sweets


1. Dodonpachi Daioujou
2. Dodonpachi
3. Ibara
4. Espgaluda
5. Mushihimesama
6. Progear
7. Espgaluda: Arrange
8. Esprade
9. Guwange
10. Dangun Feveron

Some comments: I originally had Progear lower (9 or 10 I think? Bit biased toward verts, myself) but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it deserves higher, for its rather awesome scoring system and one of my favorite visual styles. Top 5 I already knew before I even had to think about it. If not for Espgaluda Arrange being counted as a separate game, 10 would have probably been Uo Poko. Kinda wish I could show some love for the only Cave puzzler I've played (well I guess there's only one other anyway, haha)... maybe I'll switch it out with Dangun...


Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi
Dodonpachi Daioujou Black Label
Progear no Arashi
Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu


4)Mushihimesama : Arrange mode
5)Dodonpachi Daioujou
6)Muchi Muchi Pork!
8)Espgaluda II
9)Pink Sweets ~ Ibara Sorekara
10)Dangun Feveron

I think this list would be very different had I the chance to play some of the newer CAVE games. And I surprised myself by putting ESPGaluda so high; I have such a love/hate relationship with that game :P


1. donpachi
2. dodonpachi daioujou
3. dodonpachi daioujou black label
4. dodonpachi
5. Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu ver 1.5
6. Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu ver 1.0
7. ketsui
8. Deathsmiles Mega Black Label
9. mushihime sama
10. guwange


01) Ibara
02) Muchi Muchi Pork!
03) Pink Sweets
04) Ketsui
05) Espgaluda
06) Guwange
07) Espgaluda 2
08) Dangun Feveron
09) Dodonpachi Daioujou
10) Progear no Arashi

Joe T.

1. Ibara
2. Guwange
3. Muchi Muchi Pork!
4. Progear No Arashi
5. ESPGaluda II
6. Dodonpachi Dai Ou Jou Black Label
7. ESPGaluda
8. ESPrade
9. Dodonpachi
10. Death Smiles


1. Guwange
2. Deathsmiles
3. Dodonpachi
4. Dodonpachi DOJ Black Label
5. Espgaluda
6. Mushi Futari Black Label
7. Mushihimesama
8. Ketsui
9. Espgaluda II
10. Esp Ra.de

EDIT 06/10: Played a few rounds of Dodonpachi in MAME and remembered all the time I spent on it back in the arcades.  No way do I know DOJ Black Label better than the first three stages of this game.


1. Mushihimesama Futari ver 1.5
2. Mushihimesama Futari Black Label
3. Ketsui
4. Dodonpachi
5. Dodonpachi Daioujou Black Label
6. Dodonpachi Daioujou
7. ESPrade
8. Muchi Muchi Pork!
9. Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu
10. Guwange


Probably it's not the definitive but I think it's pretty aprox.:

1. Dodonpachi
2. Espgaluda
3. Mushihimesama : Arrange mode (damm, I know that sounds weird but I enjoy it more than Arcade mode)
4. Dodonpachi Daioujou
5. Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu ver 1.5
6. Ketsui
7. Mushihimesama Futari ver 1.5
8. Death Smiles
9. Muchi Muchi Pork
10. Esprade


My list:

1)Mushihimesama Futari 1.5
2)Death Smiles
3)Mushihimesama Futari Bl
4)Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu ver 1.5
9)Dodonpachi Daioujou Black Label
10)Espgaluda II



01. Ketsui
02. EspGaluda
03. Mushihimesama Futari 1.5
04. EspGaluda II
05. Mushihimesama
06. DoDonPachi Daioujou
07. DonPachi
08. Muchi Muchi Pork
09. Progear
10. Death Smiles Mega Black Label



1. Ketsui
2. Dodonpachi Dai Ou Jou
3. Dodonpachi
4. ESP Ra. De.
5. Mushihimesama Futari 1.5
6. Guwange
7. Progear No Arashi
8. Deathsmiles
9. Muchi Muchi Pork
10. Ibara

Some thoughts:
I imagine MMP and Ibara will rank higher in the future, but I haven't played MMP as extensively as I'd like (just at the Missouri Cave Matsuri) and I haven't yet played Ibara for more than a few minutes at Dave_K's place. Both are awesome, though. I think I am becomming a bit of a Craizing whore...
I just received a copy of Guwange to borrow for a while and I really, really like it. I think that will rank higher in the future as well.


1.  Ketsui
2.  Progear no Arashi
3.  Mushihimesama Futari 1.5
4.  Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu 1.5
5.  Muchi Muchi Pork
6.  Espgaluda 2
7.  Guwange
8.  Mushihimesama 1.5
9.  Espgaluda
10. Dodonpachi Dai Ou Jou

ADMIN: Sorry, had to cancel your vote. Voting is only open to those who registered before the voting began.


01. Dodonpachi Daioujou Black Label
02. Dodonpachi Daioujou
03. Ketsui
04. Ibara
05. Progear
06. Deathsmiles
07. Donpachi
08. Espgaluda: Arrange Mode
09. Dodonpachi
10. Dangun Feveron


Since you insist:

1. DoDonPachi
2. ESP Ra.De.
3. Guwange
4. Dangun Feveron
5. Progear
6. DonPachi
7. Puzzle Uo Poko

Huh, green's my mod color too.


01) Guwange
02) Ketsui
03) Dodonpachi Dai Ou Jou Black Label
04) Mushihimesama
05) Muchi Much Pork
06) Mushihimesama Futari 1.5
07) Ibara Black Label
08) Pink Sweets
09) Progear No Arashi
10) ESP Ra. De.
The future of ST-V rests upon our work and your work


More or less is like follow:

01) DoDonpachi.
02) Mushihimesama Futari Black Label (since it's the only versi?n which i have played enought).
03) Ketsui.
04) DoDonpachi Daifukkatsu.
05) Guwange.
06) Mushihimesama.
07) EspGaluda.
08) Muchi Muchi Pork.
09) Deathsmiles.
10) Esp.Ra.De
No arcades in Spain.


"It is only open to members who joined before the time of this post."


My score archive
twitter: @cavexstg
youtube: @cave-stg
Xbox gamertag: eojx9999


Quote from: EOJ on June 24, 2009, 05:53:08 AM
Yes. So what's your point?

Magalexir is making a joke, the submitter clearly made his top 10 before you posted this sentence:

"It is only open to members who joined before the time of this post." :D
The future of ST-V rests upon our work and your work

DJ Incompetent

1 Espgaluda
2 Dangun Feveron
3 Progear
4 Dodonpachi Daioujou
5 Guwange
6 Donpachi
7 Dodonpachi
8 Espgaluda : Arrange mode
9 Mushihimesama
10 Ibara